Evaluation of LTO cycle emissions from aircraft in China′s Civil Aviation Airports
A calculation model of Landing and Take-Off (LTO) cycle emissions from aircraft in civil aviation airports was developed based on the ICAO′s (International Civil Aviation Organization) standard LTO cycle and its engine emission data bank. The calculation used the fleet data and the flight data from civil aviation in China. Aircraft LTO emissions (HC, CO, NOx, SO2) were calculated for one week at 123 airports and functional relationships between emissions and number of LTO cycles were developed. Total LTO emission from the aircraft is estimated to be 24680.54 t in 2002, 24701.3 t in 2003, 31084.55 t in 2004, 35633.84 t in 2005 and 40645.55 t in 2006. In 2006, the annual LTO cycle emissions of HC, CO, NOx, SO2 were 1514.48 t, 14341.16 t, 23095.19 t and 1694.71 t, respectively. Twenty of the 123 airports produced 68.25% of the total emissions. The distribution of LTO cycle emissions from aircraft in 7 civil aviation airspaces was investigated for the years 2003 and 2004. In a typical LTO cycle, including approach, taxi, take-off and climb, approximately half of these amounts are produced in the taxiing, and the estimations show that a 4 min decrease in taxiing time results in a 6% decrease in LTO emissions.