The Need for Structure in Quantum LDPC Codes

The existence of quantum LDPC codes with minimal distance scaling linearly in the number of qubits is a central open problem in quantum information. Despite years of research good quantum LDPC codes are not known to exist, but at the very least it is known they cannot be defined on very regular topologies, like low-dimensional grids. In this work we establish a complementary result, showing that good quantum CSS codes which are sparsely generated require “structure” in the local terms that constrain the code space so as not to be “too-random” in a well-defined sense. To show this, we prove a weak converse to a theorem of Krasikov and Litsyn on weight distributions of classical codes due to which may be of independent interest: subspaces for which the distribution of weights in the dual space is approximately binomial have very few codewords of low weight, tantamount to having a non-negligible “approximate” minimal distance. While they may not have a large minimal non-zero weight, they still have very few words of low Hamming weight.

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