Entry System Development for Martian Landers

EADS launch vehicles is currently responsible for the development of entry thermal protection (TP) system for several Mars landing missions: . Beagle2, due to be launched with ESA Mars Express in 2003. . The four NetLander probes, due to be launched in 2007, in the frame of the CNES program Mars Premier. EADS-LV has based its technical choices, for both Beagle2 lander and NetLander landers network, on existing technology well adapted to this new application, the Norcoat Liege, a lightweight ablative material. The main objective of this approach is to reduce the development risks, to control the cost and to capitalize on a huge reentry experience and on a sound industrial basis. The material existing from previous developments (launchers and earth atmospheric reentry) has been adapted to its new application, and research and development (R&D) activities are continuing to even better fit to planetary exploration constraints: . Low outgassing properties have been achieved for the Norcoat Liege, compliant with common specification, and a new space grade adhesive has been qualified. . Decontamination and sterilization methods have been validated for the thermal protection system (TPS) (ablative tiles and adhesive/ joints material). . New manufacturing methods are implemented to produce bigger tiles, allowing significant cost reduction and decrease of joints length. . Material behavior has been demonstrated in extreme conditions combining heat loads of 1.6 kW/m and aerodynamic shear stress for confidence in the robustness of the concept. Test installation is currently modified to reach values in excess of 2 kW/m to be able to cover even more demanding missions. D 2003 Lister Science.