Autosub-1. From test-tank to autonomy and the science beyond
Autosub is a project funded by the United Kingdom's Natural Environment Research Council. Its aim is to develop the technology of unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV). Autosub-1 provides 1 m/sup 3/ of space for scientific instrumentation and has a goal of 2500 m depth capability and 1000 km range within 2 years. The present specification, for reasons of expedience and cost, is suited to data collection on continental shelves. Autosub-1 has a range of about 60 km and a maximum operating depth of 500 metres. At a typical cruising speed of 2 m s/sup 1/ (4 knots) the vehicle would cover some 170 km a day. These are conservative figures, based on readily available battery technology housed in relatively low strength pressure vessel, and are not seen to be contrary to the primary goal of demonstrating autonomy. Importantly though, the design concept allows changes for future longer, deeper missions to be easily implemented as most subsystems are already designed for full ocean depth. There is also sufficient space for an expanded energy supply. Construction of Autosub-1 is essentially complete and a rigorous test programme is well under way, culminating in a final demonstration mission in the spring of 1997, in Scottish coastal waters. In parallel to the technology programme, a programme of future science missions is being developed to carry the project forward for a further 3 years.