The assessment of persistence and its application to the evaluation of mid‐season and late perennial ryegrass cultivars

Persistence assessments on eight mid-season and ten late cultivars of perennial ryegrass were made at the end of the second, third and fourth years after sowing. Botanical analyses were carried out on the herbage from plots cut in the fourth year and these results related lo the different persistence assessments. It was found that persistence assessments carried out at the end of the second year enabled predictions to be made about botanical composition of cuitivars in the fourth year. Little extra precision was gained by delaying assessment until the third or fourth years as the ranking order of cultivars with respect to persistence remained largely unchanged. All persistence assessments were positively correlated with yields of sown cultivars and negatively correlated with yields of unsown herbage species in the fourth year. However, only low correlation coefficients were obtained between persistence assessments and the total yield of sown cultivar and unsown species in the fourth year, due to yield substitution between these two components. In swards sown as monocultures low persistence in a cultivar is considered to be a lack of perenniality and tiller regeneration rather than poor competitive ability against volunteer species though in mixed swards competitive ability per se will have considerable influence upon the changes in botanical composition under different managements. Persistence and yield capacity are seen, however, as distinct characteristics of a cuitivar and long-term yield potential is a joint function of these characteristics.