Volume Graphics 2003
Volume Graphics 2003 (VG’03) was held in the Centennial Hall, Tokyo Institute of Technology (TiTech), Tokyo, Japan, on July 7–8, 2003, as a follow-up to the very successful biennial international workshops on volume graphics, which were held in Swansea, UK (1999) and Stony Brook, New York, USA (2001). The Volume Graphics workshop series and its conjugate, the IEEE/ACM SIGGRAPH Volume Visualization and Graphics Symposium series, take place in alternate years to jointly provide related researchers and practitioners with the leading forums for presenting the state-ofthe-art and forecasting future trends in volumetric imaging and its applications. The VG’03 workshop is co-sponsored with the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TC-VG) in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH. The workshop was hosted by Ochanomizu University and TiTech, and organized in association with four local societies: Information Processing Society of Japan SIG on Graphics & CAD, Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan, Society for Art and Science, and Visualization Society of Japan, and with seven corporate partners: The Japan Science and Technology Agency, Computer Graphics Arts Society, Ark Information Systems, Inc., ALOKA Co., Ltd., KGT Inc., Nihon Visual Science, Inc., and SGI Japan, Ltd. VG’03 was co-scheduled with the Computer Graphics International 2003 Conference (CGI’03, http://www.img.cs.titech.ac.jp/∼CGI2003/) in order to mutually benefit the two events.