A Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Photoproduction of D Mesons * The E-687 Collaboration presented

PreJhninary results are presented using the Wide Band photon beam at Fermilab to measure the cross-section of D l * and D* photoproduction on a Be target over the photon enera rsngs from 100 GeV to 350 GeV. Preliminary results are also presented on the ZF and & distributions and the ratios of Do/D’+ and D.-/D’+. The energy dependence of the total open charm cross-section of photoproduction was compared with the predictions by the photon-gluon fusion model and a higher order QCD radiative correction based on perturbative &CD. The prediction by the QCD radiative correction with m, N 1.5&V agrees well with the observed data within the theoretical uncertainties of the QCD parameters.