Координация мероприятий противочумных учреждений Роспотребнадзора по оздоровлению Горно-Алтайского высокогорного природного очага чумы в 2016 г

Objective of the study is to sum-up the results of prophylactic (anti-epidemic) measures associated with elimination of epidemic focus in Kosh-Agach Region of the Republic of Altai in 2016. Materials and methods. Utilized were the data of reporting and source documentation from Altai Plague Control Station, Rospotrebnadzor Administration in the Republic of Altai, RusRAPI “Microbe”, and Irkutsk RAPI. Results and conclusions. It is pointed out that carried out in 2016 complex of organizational, anti-epidemic, and sanitary-prophylactic activities against plague is the importnant stage of rehabilitation of Gorno-Altai high-mountain natural plague focus, the final goal of which is maximally possible decrement of risks of primary human infection with plague, and in case of occurrence of such – performing of prompt response measures on localization and elimination of epidemic focus. It has been substantiated that for epidemic risk minimization in 2017 it is necessary to continue prophylactic vaccination, desinsection and deratization in the areas of predictive epizootic situation aggravation, which is contained in “Complex Action Plan of the Rospotrebnadzor Institutions for Sanitation and Rehabilitation of Gorno-Altai high-mountain natural plague focus in Kosh-Agach Region of the Altai Republic in 2017”. It is also necessary to provide for implementation of the Program on lowering risks of importation from cross-border Sailyugemsky natural focus and spread of plague in the territory of the Russian Federation, within the frames of RF Government Order No 1864-p, dated 05.09.2016.