Pursuing the evolutionary agenda in economics and management research
[1] G. Dosi,et al. Learning how to govern and learning how to solve problems: on the co-evolution of competences, confl , 1995 .
[2] Michael X Cohen,et al. Organizational Routines Are Stored as Procedural Memory: Evidence from a Laboratory Study , 1994 .
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[5] Lawrence A. Boland,et al. A Critique of Friedman's Critics , 1979 .
[6] Constance E. Helfat,et al. Managerial cognitive capabilities and the microfoundations of dynamic capabilities , 2015 .
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[14] Markus C. Becker. Handbook of Organizational Routines , 2010 .
[15] Giovanni Dosi,et al. Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics as Evolutionary Processes , 2009 .
[16] R. Nelson. Research on Productivity Growth and Productivity Differences: Dead Ends and New Departures , 1981 .
[17] Massimo Egidi,et al. Routines, Hierarchies of Problems, Procedural Behaviour: Some Evidence from Experiments , 1995 .
[18] Mark J. Zbaracki,et al. When Truces Collapse: A Longitudinal Study of Price-Adjustment Routines , 2010, Organ. Sci..
[19] K. Pavitt,et al. Knowledge Specialization, Organizational Coupling, and the Boundaries of the Firm: Why Do Firms Know More than They Make? , 2001 .
[20] Leo Huberman. The Accumulation of Capital , 1949 .
[21] Sarah Kaplan. Truce Breaking and Remaking: The CEO's Role in Changing Organizational Routines , 2015 .
[22] S. Winter. Dynamic Capability as a Source of Change , 2008 .
[23] James A. Mirrlees,et al. A New Model of Economic Growth , 1962 .
[24] Sidney G. Winter,et al. Toward a Neo-Schumpeterian Theory of the Firm , 2006 .
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[32] G. Dosi,et al. Production Theory: Accounting for Firm Heterogeneity and Technical Change , 2016 .
[35] Giovanni Gavetti,et al. Evolution Cum Agency: Toward a Model of Strategic Foresight , 2016 .
[36] C. Freeman. Economics of Industrial Innovation , 1975 .
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[38] Thorstein Veblen,et al. Why Economics is not an Evolutionary Science , 1898 .
[39] Richard R. Nelson. Commentary on Sidney Winter’s “Toward a neo-Schumpeterian theory of the firm” , 2006 .
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[41] Ron Dare,et al. The disorder of things: Metaphysical foundations of the disunity of science , 1997 .
[42] Steven Klepper,et al. A Reprise of Size and R & D , 1996 .
[43] S. Winter. Economic "Natural Selection" and the Theory of the Firm , 1964 .
[44] C. Freeman. Technological infrastructure and international competitiveness , 2004 .
[45] Tony Lawson,et al. What is this ‘school’ called neoclassical economics? , 2013 .
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[48] Michael G. Jacobides,et al. Capabilities: Structure, Agency, and Evolution , 2012, Organ. Sci..
[49] M. Friedman,et al. The Methodology of Positive Economics , 2010 .
[50] G. Dosi,et al. Schumpeter meeting Keynes: A policy-friendly model of endogenous growth and business cycles , 2010 .
[51] R. Nelson. Why Schumpeter has had so little influence on today’s main line economics, and why this may be changing , 2012, Journal of Evolutionary Economics.
[52] Giovanni Dosi,et al. Division of labor, organizational coordination and market mechanisms in collective problem-solving , 2005 .
[53] Daniel A. Levinthal,et al. Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search , 2000 .
[54] David Obstfeld,et al. Creative Projects: A Less Routine Approach Toward Getting New Things Done , 2012, Organ. Sci..
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[84] G. Dosi. Technological Paradigms and Technological Trajectories , 1993 .
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[89] Constance E. Helfat. The SMS Blackwell handbook of organizational capabilities : emergence, development, and change , 2003 .
[90] Steven Klepper,et al. Experimental Capitalism: The Nanoeconomics of American High-Tech Industries , 2015 .
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[92] Constance E. Helfat,et al. Dynamic capabilities : understanding strategic change in organizations , 2007 .
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[94] S. Winter. Habit, Deliberation, and Action: Strengthening the Microfoundations of Routines and Capabilities , 2013 .
[95] Teppo Felin,et al. Dynamics of Industry and Innovation: Organizations, Networks and Systems Strategic Organization: a Field in Search of Micro- Foundations Strategic Organization: a Field in Search of Micro-foundations , 2022 .