Task-Adaptive Negative Class Envision for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition

Recent works seek to endow recognition systems with the ability to handle the open world. Few shot learning aims for fast learning of new classes from limited examples, while open-set recognition considers unknown negative class from the open world. In this paper, we study the problem of few-shot open-set recognition (FSOR), which learns a recognition system robust to queries from new sources with few examples and from unknown open sources. To achieve that, we mimic human capability of envisioning new concepts from prior knowledge, and propose a novel task-adaptive negative class envision method (TANE) to model the open world. Essentially we use an external memory to estimate a negative class representation. Moreover, we introduce a novel conjugate episode training strategy that strengthens the learning process. Extensive experiments on four public benchmarks show that our approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art performance on few-shot open-set recognition. Besides, we extend our method to generalized few-shot open-set recognition (GFSOR), where we also achieve performance gains on MiniImageNet.

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