Blood parasites of East African vertebrates, with a brief description of exo-erythrocytic schizogony in Plasmodium pitmani

1. The following new species were encountered in this investigation: Haemogregarina hamata in Lacerta jacksoni; Hepatozoon minchini in Crotaphopeltis degeni Pirhaemocyton granosa in Agama colonorum Atoxoplasma argyae n.gen. n.sp. in Argya rubi-ginosa Spirochaeta harveyi in Cercopithecus aethiops. 2. Further information is given in regard to the following known species, including new host records: Plasmodium pitmani in Mabuia striata and M. maculilabris Trypanosoma martini in Mabuia maculilabris Plasmodium vaughani in Othyphantes reichenowi Plasmodium relictum in Othyphantes reichenowi and Passer iagoensis Haemoproteus wenyoni in Passer griseus Leucocytozoon sp. in nine species of birds Hepatocystes epomophori in Epomophorus labiatus Hepatocystes kochi in Cercopithecus, etc. Babesia pitheci in Cercopithecus mitis. 3. Exo-erythrocytic schizogony is described in Plasmodium pitmani of the skink (from spleen and heart preparations).

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