National Dam Safety Program. Loch Leonard Dam (MO 20309), Missouri - Kansas City Basin, Cass County, Missouri. Phase I Inspection Report.
Abstract : The Loch Leonard Dam is an earthfill structure approximately 19 ft. high and 1900 ft. long at the crest. The appurtenant works consist of: a pump station with an 8-inch discharge pipe from the lake to a Missouri Public Service Co. power plant; a pump station in the stream by the lake with one 18 inch diameter pipe to the settling basin; a 15 inch diameter CMP from the settling basin to the stream; and a 60 inch diameter pipe between the lake and settling basin. Our inspection and evaluation indicates that the combined spillways do not meet the criteria set forth in the guidelines fro a dam having the above size and hazard potential. The combined spillways will pass 9 percent of the Probable Maximum Flood without overtopping. Deficiencies visually observed by the inspection team were: (1) Some brush and small trees on both faces of the dam; (2) Seepage area the downstream toe across from Sta. 2 + 50; (3) Seepage through the embankment across from the pump station at Sta. 11 + 30; and (4) Inlet to 15 inch primary spillway pipe out of the settling basin is blocked with vegetation and debris.