It is shown that while the Pfund resonance radiometer reduces the effect of drifts by a factor of several hundred, its advantage over the conventional Moll amplifying system as regards the reduction of the effect of Brownian motion on the accuracy of the readings is only about a factor of three for a resonance radiometer system requiring 140 seconds for a single observation. For a Moll system and a resonant system of equal times of observation, the Moll system is about twice as good as regards Brownian error in the readings. A resonance radiometer loses both its Brownian advantage and its ability to reduce drifts, when designed for a short time of response.A periodic radiometer particularly suitable for rapid recording is described, drifts being completely eliminated, while the time of response is only six seconds. Two condensers in series with the amplifying circuit effectually stop all drifts while passing the periodic deflections. By averaging visually a considerable number of deflections, the accuracy...