Fiber optic interferometric hydrophone using fiber Bragg grating with time division multiplexing

wherc FO is the total mean intensiサ ofthC hOmodyne pulse and V isthe f五 nge visibility term.ω o and C are the frequency and amplitude of sinusoidal mOdulation imposed on the compen― sating intOrferotteter by the piezostretcher.φ (′)iS the acoustic signal obtaincd by homodyne delnodulation[8]. The lunge visibility teFIn,Whicn depends on thё statC of polarizauon of the pulses from each IBG,varles un― predictably and independently.In the worSt Case,where the fringe visibility term is zero, the acoustic signal is extin― guished[9].ThiS is called polanzation― induced signal fading (PSF).耳 oweVer,we do not consider this phenomenon in this study.