The Columbia Guide to Online Style

List of Figures and TablesPrefacePart 1. Locating and Citing Source MaterialsChapter 1. Research in the Electronic AgeChapter 2. The Logic of CitationChapter 3. Citing Electronic Sources in the HumanitiesChapter 4. Citing Electronic Sources in the SciencesPart 2. Preparing Manuscripts for Print and Electronic PublicationChapter 5. The Logic of Document StyleChapter 6. Creating Documents for PrintChapter 7. Creating Documents for Electronic PublicationAppendixesAppendix A. Starting Points for Online ResearchAppendix B. File ExtensionsAppendix C. AbbreviationsAppendix D. Other Documentation StylesAppendix E. Selected BibliographyAppendix F. ISO Latin-1 Characters and Control CharactersGlossaryIndex