The HTA tool [Hierarchical Task Analysis]

Under a UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) initiative, termed the Human Factors Integration (HFI) Defence Technology Centre (DTC), a start has been made to develop a computer based toolset encompassing task analysis methods currently in existence. The toolset eventually includes methods to assist in the analysis of both observable and cognitive tasks as precursors to the development of additional methods to fit the future development of a computer based tool framework for cognitive work analysis (MacLeod et al., 2005). Cognitive work analysis is argued to consider not only the nature of time critical task performance but also the influences on work emanating from society, culture, and organisation. The HTA Tool Workshop within the HFI DTC Symposium focuses on an introduction to one of the human factors integration (HFI) tools being developed by the UK MoD HFI DTC, namely the HTA tool. Many of the participants in the HFI DTC have contributed to the specification and review of the tool. A compact disc (CD) containing this tool has been distributed to all symposium attendees.