FCTESTNET - Testing fuel cells for transportation

FCTESTNET (Fuel Cell Testing and Standardization Network) is an ongoing European network project within Framework Program 5. It is a three-year project that commenced January 2003, with 55 partners from European research centers, universities, and industry, working in the field of fuel cell R and D. The main objective of FCTESTNET is to promote the harmonization of testing procedures and methodologies within the European Union. The lack of standardized test methods for fuel cell technology is a fact. The development of standardized test methods is very important for the commercialization of the fuel cell technology. Standardized test methods are one of the most important instruments in the quality management work of any industrial process. The players that have a common interest to promote and develop harmonized test methods for fuel cell technology are: •Standardization bodies (IEC and ISO) •Fuel cell manufacturing industry (type testing and routine testing) •OEMs (acceptance testing) •Research institutes and universities (R and D) This paper first specifies the structure of the FCTESTNET project and the specific goals of Work Package 1 on transportation applications, which is lead by TNO Automotive. Furthermore, the process for harmonizing test procedures in the application area transportation is described. The presented harmonized tests, called "test modules", are grouped in test programmes. An important next step is the verification of the test modules presented, for instance in the proposed project FCTESQA (Fuel Cell TEsting, Safety and Quality Assurance). © EVS-22 Yokohama, Japan.