Application of Reliability to Formulation of Fixed Offshore Design Codes
several be.efits ha., been proposed for the implementation of structural reliability c.mepts in the design of fixed offshore structures. The.. include: a) Greater ““ifomity i“ platform component reliability. b) MO,, effective utilization of material than occurs with existing deterministic safety factor design procedures. c) Accounts directly for randomness and uncertainties in engineering parameters. d) Capable of mnsistent modifications to account for difEerent location, platform type ..d 1ife. e) Reliability give. a logical basis for i“cocpocating new i“fommtion f) New procedures can interface with similar reliability developments in structural engineering such as AISC or AC1. g) Help to focus re,eacch activities to emphasize areas of greatest .ncercainty and have results impact reliability facto... 1“ 1979, the Am.2r ican Petroleum Institute (API) begam a .eriee of mntinui.g studies under the direction of the author t,, implement reliability design procedures for fixed offshore platforms. ‘Theeffort has reached the stage where . self-contained design alternative is now available for review and feedback from the various .4P1 technical committees. A complete design document should be available i. the .... future.