Initial work in the OnCord project has started. A Kick-off meeting was held and all partners had the
opportunity to introduce themselves and to discuss their role in the project. The project website was set
up, and a data-sharing system provided to enhance communication among the partners.
The requirements for common test fuels, i.e. coals, biomass and SRF materials and a database of fuel
properties were agreed. The arrangements for the procurement and distribution of the fuel samples were
planned. The analysis and initial testing of some of the fuels has been done and the data are available
to partners.
The requirements for online corrosion sensors and other instrumentation (flue gas analysis, online
particle measurement system, deposit probes etc.) were discussed. The relevant test materials to be
mounted on the corrosion sensors and material loss probes have also been discussed.
The small-scale test facilities are being prepared for the experiments planned in the first part of the
project, and the initial steps of planning for the subsequent larger scale tests has commenced.
Boundary conditions, geometric data and model parameters have been collected for modelling of the
pulverized fuel systems. Initial discussions were held on the modelling activities on the circulating
fluidized bed site of the project.
The identification of the host sites for the plant scale testwork has commenced, and discussions are
being held with the site operators.
The new partner Bilfinger (Babcock Borsig Steinmueller, BBS) has been integrated in the project and will
take over the part of Corrmoran (Corr).