Method and apparatus for scalable video adaptation using adaptation operators for scalable video

The present invention relates to a bit-stream adaptation apparatus and method is a scalable video coding technology, a scalable video coding (SVC) technology is applied to SVC adaptation operator from the quality information to the bitstream, and the SVC adaptation operators and terminal determination of the quality of determining the SVC adaptation operators corresponding to the quality information extracting section, the SVC adaptation operator among consumer environment information of the transferred terminal the bitstream to extract the correlation between the consumption environment information unit and the determined SVC adapted is constituted by extracting the bit stream for adapting to extract the bit stream on the basis of the conversion operator, Classification Scheme (AQoS_CS) of the network environment and multimedia to change through the adaptation of scalable video using an adaptive transform operator offers efficiently scalable video for the consumption environment, It can provide. MPEG-21 framework SVC-based video adaptation, adaptation QoS (AQoS) Description, SVC adaptation operators