Family factor, one of the social factors affecting the purchasing behavior, is regarded to
be the most important factor giving direction to the purchasing decisions. In every period of the
life, the consumption patterns of an individual cannot be isolated from his/her family‘s
consumption patterns.
The reason why the present study is limited to the foods is that children are the direct consumers
of foods and foods have an important portion in the consumption expenditures of families. And the
reason why an upper age limit (8 years old) is set up for the study is that this age is considered to
be transition to having purchasing decisions on their own.
In the field work, food purchasing was divided into sub-categories because the study aims to
reveal the extent to which children affect purchasing decisions in each sub-category. Moreover,
for each sub-category, other factors that can affect the purchasing decisions and that are not related
to children were also investigated, in this way, the real influence of the children is expected to be
As purchasing decision is a qualitative data with two possibilities, there can be many independent
variables that have the potential for affecting dependent variable; therefore, here ―sequenced logit
model‖ will be used to evaluate the findings of the study.
S. Roper,et al.
Vulnerable consumers: the social impact of branding on children
Barrie Gunter,et al.
Children as Consumers: A Psychological Analysis of the Young People's Market
James U. Mcneal,et al.
Taiwanese Children as Consumers
Yusuf Karaca,et al.
Ebeveynlerin Televizyon Reklam İçeriklerinin Çocuklar Üzerindeki Etkilerini Etik Açıdan Algılamalarına Yönelik Bir Araştırma
P. Lunt,et al.
Economic socialization : the economic beliefs and behaviours of young people