A Study on the Curriculum of Department of Information Security in Domestic Universities and Graduate Schools and Comparison with the Needs of Industry Knowledge

ABSTRACT These days cyber attacks are increasing all over the world, and the national critical infrastructure and information network protection has become important. For this reason, the concentrated investment in information security and development of professional human resource are essential, but there is a short age of information security workforce in Korea. Currently, departments of information security in domestic universities ma ke efforts to develop human resource of information security and have a increasing interest in the curriculum design. So thi s paper investigates the curriculums of information security in domestic universities and graduate schools. And then, it compar es with the needs of industry knowledge and skills by using SPSS. Through this analysis, we will get implications about cur riculum design of Information security.Keywords: curriculum, information security, university, graduate school , industry needs접수일(2013년 10월 14일), 게재확정일(2013년 12월 5일)* 본 연구는 미래과학창조부 및 한국인터넷진흥원의 “고용계약형 지식정보보안 석사과정 지원사업”의 연구결과로 수행되었습니다. (과제번호 H2101-13-1001)†주저자, korea.minjeong@gmail.com‡교신저자, jhyoo@smu.ac.kr (Corresponding author)