Justification methods for computer integrated manufacturing systems : planning, design justification, and costing
I. Planning Issues in Modern Manufacturing. Planning flexible manufacturing systems (J.A. Ventura). Strategic planning for automated manufacturing: Some factors and dimensions (A.B. Badiru). Planning and control issues in automated manufacturing (A.K. Elshennawy, Y.A. Hosnii). Planning and integrated communication network for automated manufacturing systems (S.C. Fang). Planning for flexible assembly (H.P. Wang). Capacity planning in a flexible manufacturing environment (T.M. West, S.U. Randhawa). II. Economic and Financial Justification Methods. Role of champions in justification of computer integrated manufacturing systems (T.L. Ward). A role interaction model for justifying and implementing CIMS (W.E. Souder, V. Padmanabhan). Computer aided decision model for economic justification of investments in advanced manufacturing (R.G. Soni et al.). An economic model for cellular manufacturing systems (Y.H. Park et al.). Decision support for value analysis of integrated manufacturing technology (J.W. Troxler, L.T. Blank). Justification of cellular manufacturing using multi-attribute part family loading-MAPFLO (K.R. Currie, R.C. Creese). III. Costing Methods in Integrated Manufacturing Systems. Product costing and performance measurement for flexible manufacturing systems (J.M. Reeve). Total cost analysis of modern automated systems (F. Tayyari, D.E. Kroll). Accounting aspects of automated inspection systems (W.A. Golomski). IV. Other Issues in Automation Technology. Planning, designing, and implementing computer aided manufacturing systems (B.-L. Cho, M.S. Sanders). Economic justification of flexible manufacturing systems: A bibliometric analysis of literature (J. Kulkarni, H.R. Parsaei). Author Index. Subject Index.