A decade of progress in statistical methodology for clinical trials.

Clinical trials played a dominant and expanding role in the evaluation of new treatments during the decade of the 1980s. There were major improvements in the quality of clinical trials in many medical fields. There were also important developments in the methodology of designing, monitoring, conducting, analysing, reporting and interpreting clinical trials. This paper attempts to review some of these developments. A comprehensive review is beyond the abilities of any one individual. Consequently, this paper attempts to offer a broad stroke description of this area and to highlight specific topics of importance based on my particular experience. An extensive, but non-comprehensive bibliography is included to provide entry points to the literature of methodologic developments for clinical trials in the 1980s.

[1]  R Simon,et al.  Measures of explained variation for survival data. , 1990, Statistics in medicine.

[2]  Michael Schemper,et al.  The explained variation in proportional hazards regression , 1990 .

[3]  J O'Quigley,et al.  Continual reassessment method: a practical design for phase 1 clinical trials in cancer. , 1990, Biometrics.

[4]  P. Thall,et al.  Incorporating historical control data in planning phase II clinical trials. , 1990, Statistics in medicine.

[5]  C. E. Davis,et al.  Empirical Bayes estimates of subgroup effects in clinical trials. , 1990, Controlled clinical trials.

[6]  C. Meinert Meta-analysis: science or religion? , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[7]  P. Meier,et al.  Choosing covariates in the analysis of clinical trials. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[8]  E. Laska,et al.  Testing whether an identified treatment is best. , 1989, Biometrics.

[9]  J. Overall,et al.  The superiority of a drug combination over each of its components. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[10]  M D Hughes,et al.  Practical problems in interim analyses, with particular regard to estimation. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[11]  D J Spiegelhalter,et al.  Comparison of Bayesian with group sequential methods for monitoring clinical trials. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[12]  M. Buyse,et al.  Analysis of clinical trial outcomes: some comments on subgroup analyses. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[13]  B. Schneider Analysis of clinical trial outcomes: alternative approaches to subgroup analysis. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[14]  N K Aaronson,et al.  Quality of life assessment in clinical trials: methodologic issues. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[15]  J. Ware Investigating Therapies of Potentially Great Benefit: ECMO , 1989 .

[16]  G. Seeber On the regression analysis of tumour recurrence rates. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[17]  A A Tsiatis,et al.  A linear rank test for use when the main interest is in differences in cure rates. , 1989, Biometrics.

[18]  L. Walløe,et al.  Estimation of treatment difference following a sequential clinical trial , 1989 .

[19]  Stephen J. Ruberg,et al.  Contrasts for Identifying the Minimum Effective Dose , 1989 .

[20]  B E Storer,et al.  Design and analysis of phase I clinical trials. , 1989, Biometrics.

[21]  J. Fleiss,et al.  A critique of recent research on the two-treatment crossover design. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[22]  Nancy L. Geller,et al.  Design of Group Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints , 1989 .

[23]  J. Boissel,et al.  Considerations for the meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. Summary of a panel discussion. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[24]  T R Fleming,et al.  Symmetric group sequential test designs. , 1989, Biometrics.

[25]  P. Bauer,et al.  Multiple Test Procedures in Clinical Dose Finding Studies , 1989 .

[26]  D L DeMets,et al.  Changing frequency of interim analysis in sequential monitoring. , 1989, Biometrics.

[27]  R. Gelber,et al.  A quality-of-life-oriented endpoint for comparing therapies. , 1989, Biometrics.

[28]  R B Davis,et al.  Exponential survival trees. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[29]  R. Frankowski,et al.  Effect of unequal censoring on the size and power of the logrank and Wilcoxon types of tests for survival data. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[30]  O. Aalen A linear regression model for the analysis of life times. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[31]  Christopher Jennison,et al.  Interim analyses: the repeated confidence interval approach , 1989 .

[32]  D. Altman,et al.  Bootstrap investigation of the stability of a Cox regression model. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[33]  D R Bristol,et al.  Sample sizes for constructing confidence intervals and testing hypotheses. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[34]  Shih Wj Prediction approaches to sequentially searching for an optimal dose. , 1989 .

[35]  D. Oakes,et al.  Bivariate survival models induced by frailties , 1989 .

[36]  M S Pepe,et al.  Weighted Kaplan-Meier statistics: a class of distance tests for censored survival data. , 1989, Biometrics.

[37]  D. Bristol Designing clinical trials for two-sided multiple comparisons with a control. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[38]  K Kim,et al.  Point estimation following group sequential tests. , 1989, Biometrics.

[39]  S. Goodman Meta-analysis and evidence. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[40]  Thomas A. Louis,et al.  An Assessment of Publication Bias Using a Sample of Published Clinical Trials , 1989 .

[41]  H. Wieand,et al.  The bias of the sample proportion following a group sequential phase II clinical trial. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[42]  A. Gould,et al.  The analysis of titration studies in phase III clinical trials. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[43]  R. Simon,et al.  Flexible regression models with cubic splines. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[44]  M R Segal,et al.  A comparison of estimated proportional hazards models and regression trees. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[45]  A A Tsiatis,et al.  The impact that group sequential tests would have made on ECOG clinical trials. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[46]  R. Prentice Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: definition and operational criteria. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[47]  D. Seigel,et al.  Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: ophthalmologic disorders. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[48]  J. Wittes,et al.  Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: cardiovascular diseases. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[49]  J. Herson The use of surrogate endpoints in clinical trials (an introduction to a series of four papers) , 1989 .

[50]  S J Senn,et al.  Covariate imbalance and random allocation in clinical trials. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[51]  S. Ellenberg,et al.  Surrogate endpoints in clinical trials: cancer. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[52]  R. Simon,et al.  Optimal two-stage designs for phase II clinical trials. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[53]  F. Rockhold,et al.  Monitoring versus interim analysis of clinical trials: a perspective from the pharmaceutical industry. , 1989, Controlled clinical trials.

[54]  R Brookmeyer,et al.  Modelling paired survival data with covariates. , 1989, Biometrics.

[55]  M. Chang,et al.  Confidence intervals for a normal mean following a group sequential test. , 1989, Biometrics.

[56]  Choi Sc,et al.  Monitoring clinical trials based on predictive probability of significance. , 1989 .

[57]  J. Crowley,et al.  A general class of nonparametric tests for survival analysis. , 1989, Biometrics.

[58]  T C Chalmers,et al.  A comparison of statistical methods for combining event rates from clinical trials. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[59]  J. Wittes,et al.  Factorial designs in clinical trials: the effects of non-compliance and subadditivity. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.

[60]  L J Emrich,et al.  Required duration and power determinations for historically controlled studies of survival times. , 1989, Statistics in medicine.


[62]  C. Begg,et al.  Publication bias and dissemination of clinical research. , 1989, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

[63]  Nitin R. Patel,et al.  Importance Sampling for Estimating Exact Probabilities in Permutational Inference , 1988 .

[64]  J P Matts,et al.  Randomization in clinical trials: conclusions and recommendations. , 1988, Controlled clinical trials.

[65]  S. Pocock,et al.  Stopping rules and estimation problems in clinical trials. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[66]  O. Aalen,et al.  Heterogeneity in survival analysis. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[67]  F. Harrell,et al.  Regression models in clinical studies: determining relationships between predictors and response. , 1988, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

[68]  L S Freedman,et al.  Comparing the effects of different durations of the same therapy. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[69]  R. Simon,et al.  Planning and monitoring of equivalence studies. , 1988, Biometrics.

[70]  L A Kalish,et al.  Efficiency of balanced treatment allocation for survival analysis. , 1988, Biometrics.

[71]  Stephen G. Eick,et al.  Gittins procedures for bandits with delayed responses , 1988 .

[72]  D R Bristol,et al.  A one-sided interim analysis with binary outcomes. , 1988, Controlled clinical trials.

[73]  John T. Kent,et al.  Measures of dependence for censored survival data , 1988 .

[74]  L. J. Wei,et al.  Exact two-sample permutation tests based on the randomized play-the-winner rule , 1988 .

[75]  R J Sylvester,et al.  A bayesian approach to the design of phase II clinical trials. , 1988, Biometrics.

[76]  R. Sugden,et al.  Sampling and Assignment Mechanisms in Experiments, Surveys and Observational , 1988 .

[77]  J. N. S. Matthews,et al.  Recent Developments in Crossover Designs , 1988 .

[78]  D Clayton,et al.  The analysis of event history data: a review of progress and outstanding problems. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[79]  D. N. Geary Sequential testing in clinical trials with repeated measurements , 1988 .

[80]  Richard Simon,et al.  Two-stage selection and testing designs for comparative clinical trials , 1988 .

[81]  P. Andersen,et al.  Multistate models in survival analysis: a study of nephropathy and mortality in diabetes. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[82]  Nitin R. Patel,et al.  Constructing exact significance tests with restricted randomization rules , 1988 .

[83]  D J Schaid,et al.  A design for phase II testing of anticancer agents within a phase III clinical trial. , 1988, Controlled clinical trials.

[84]  B. Efron Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis, and the Kaplan-Meier Curve , 1988 .

[85]  M. A. Moussa Planning the size of survival time clinical trials with allowance for stratification. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[86]  C. Begg,et al.  Publication bias : a problem in interpreting medical data , 1988 .

[87]  P. Thall,et al.  Optimal two-stage designs for clinical trials with binary response. , 1988, Statistics in medicine.

[88]  Olivier Guilbaud,et al.  Exact Kolmogorov-Type Tests for Left-Truncated and/or Right-Censored Data , 1988 .

[89]  E. Lakatos,et al.  Sample sizes based on the log-rank statistic in complex clinical trials. , 1988, Biometrics.

[90]  M C Wu,et al.  Sample size for comparison of changes in the presence of right censoring caused by death, withdrawal, and staggered entry. , 1988, Controlled clinical trials.

[91]  Elja Arjas,et al.  A Graphical Method for Assessing Goodness of Fit in Cox's Proportional Hazards Model , 1988 .

[92]  KyungMann Kim,et al.  Improved approximation for estimation following closed sequential tests , 1988 .

[93]  M. H. Gail,et al.  Tests for no treatment e?ect in randomized clinical trials , 1988 .

[94]  J C Bailar,et al.  Guidelines for statistical reporting in articles for medical journals. Amplifications and explanations. , 1988, Annals of internal medicine.

[95]  Joel B. Greenhouse,et al.  Selection Models and the File Drawer Problem , 1988 .

[96]  K. Dickersin,et al.  Publication bias and clinical trials. , 1987, Controlled clinical trials.

[97]  Sylvan Wallenstein,et al.  The Power of the Mantel—Haenszel Test , 1987 .

[98]  A. Gross,et al.  Sample size determination in clinical trials with an emphasis on exponentially distributed responses. , 1987, Biometrics.

[99]  T. Morgan Nonparametric estimation of duration of accrual and total study length for clinical trials. , 1987, Biometrics.

[100]  K Kim,et al.  Confidence intervals following group sequential tests in clinical trials. , 1987, Biometrics.

[101]  T M Therneau,et al.  Designs for group sequential phase II clinical trials. , 1987, Biometrics.

[102]  Nitin R. Patel,et al.  Computing Distributions for Exact Logistic Regression , 1987 .

[103]  R. Simon,et al.  How large should a phase II trial of a new drug be? , 1987, Cancer treatment reports.

[104]  Allan R. Wilks,et al.  Dynamic Graphics for Data Analysis , 1987 .

[105]  J. Jais,et al.  A transient state model for analysing ventilatory status in a randomized clinical trial. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[106]  M. Schumacher,et al.  The impact of heterogeneity on the comparison of survival times. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[107]  T C Chalmers,et al.  Meta-analysis of clinical trials as a scientific discipline. II: Replicate variability and comparison of studies that agree and disagree. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[108]  R G Newcombe,et al.  Towards a reduction in publication bias. , 1987, British medical journal.

[109]  J M Nam,et al.  A simple approximation for calculating sample sizes for detecting linear trend in proportions. , 1987, Biometrics.

[110]  J Halpern,et al.  Designing clinical trials with arbitrary specification of survival functions and for the log rank or generalized Wilcoxon test. , 1987, Controlled clinical trials.

[111]  F. T. Wright,et al.  Comparison of Several Treatments with a Control Using Multiple Contrasts , 1987 .

[112]  S. Snapinn,et al.  Evaluating the efficacy of a combination therapy. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[113]  N L Geller,et al.  The analysis of multiple endpoints in clinical trials. , 1987, Biometrics.

[114]  E. Korn,et al.  Effective sample sizes for confidence intervals for survival probabilities. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[115]  S. Pocock,et al.  Statistical problems in the reporting of clinical trials. A survey of three medical journals. , 1987, The New England journal of medicine.

[116]  W. H. Carter,et al.  Sample sizes for cancer therapy survival studies based on response surface methods , 1987 .

[117]  F. Hsieh A simple method of sample size calculation for unequal-sample-size designs that use the logrank or t-test. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[118]  M. Buyse,et al.  Issues of efficiency in combining proportions of deaths from several clinical trials. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[119]  C. Chuang The analysis of a titration study. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[120]  J Halpern,et al.  Cure rate models: power of the logrank and generalized Wilcoxon tests. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[121]  T. Morgan,et al.  Optimal restricted two-stage designs. , 1987, Controlled clinical trials.

[122]  G. E. Noether,et al.  Sample Size Determination for Some Common Nonparametric Tests , 1987 .

[123]  R. Gill,et al.  A simple test of the proportional hazards assumption , 1987 .

[124]  David A. Schoenfeld,et al.  A modified log rank test for highly stratified data , 1987 .

[125]  A. Tsiatis,et al.  Approximately optimal one-parameter boundaries for group sequential trials. , 1987, Biometrics.

[126]  David P. Harrington,et al.  Supremum versions of the log-rank and generalized wilcoxon statistics , 1987 .

[127]  D. Duffy,et al.  Confidence Intervals for a Binomial Parameter Based on Multistage Tests , 1987 .

[128]  Christopher Jennison,et al.  Efficient group sequential tests with unpredictable group sizes , 1987 .

[129]  R. Sposto,et al.  Use of unequal allocation in survival trials. , 1987, Statistics in medicine.

[130]  David L. DeMets,et al.  Design and analysis of group sequential tests based on the type I error spending rate function , 1987 .

[131]  Thomas R. Fleming,et al.  A paired prentice-Wilcoxon test for censored paired data , 1987 .

[132]  P K Andersen,et al.  Conditional power calculations as an aid in the decision whether to continue a clinical trial. , 1987, Controlled clinical trials.

[133]  R. Connor Sample size for testing differences in proportions for the paired-sample design. , 1987, Biometrics.

[134]  N L Geller,et al.  Interim analyses in randomized clinical trials: ramifications and guidelines for practitioners. , 1987, Biometrics.

[135]  Antonio Ciampi,et al.  Extended hazard regression for censored survival data with covariates : a spline approximation for the baseline hazard function , 1987 .

[136]  T. Therneau,et al.  A two-stage design for randomized trials with binary outcomes. , 1987, Controlled clinical trials.

[137]  T. Chalmers,et al.  Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. , 1987, The New England journal of medicine.

[138]  John Whitehead,et al.  On the bias of maximum likelihood estimation following a sequential test , 1986 .

[139]  Robert M. Elashoff,et al.  Effect of Categorizing a Continuous Covariate on the Comparison of Survival Time , 1986 .

[140]  J. Fleiss,et al.  Analysis of data from multiclinic trials. , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[141]  Morgan Tm,et al.  Omitting covariates from the proportional hazards model. , 1986 .

[142]  R Kay,et al.  A Markov model for analysing cancer markers and disease states in survival studies. , 1986, Biometrics.

[143]  D. Finkelstein,et al.  A proportional hazards model for interval-censored failure time data. , 1986, Biometrics.

[144]  R. Elashoff,et al.  Simultaneous non-parametric confidence intervals for survival probabilities from censored data. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[145]  J. Whitehead Supplementary analysis at the conclusion of a sequential clinical trial. , 1986, Biometrics.

[146]  J M Lachin,et al.  Evaluation of sample size and power for analyses of survival with allowance for nonuniform patient entry, losses to follow-up, noncompliance, and stratification. , 1986, Biometrics.

[147]  R. Marshall,et al.  Partitioning methods for classification and decision making in medicine. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[148]  A. Willan,et al.  Carryover and the two-period crossover clinical trial. , 1986, Biometrics.

[149]  G. Stein,et al.  The determination of practically useful doses of new drugs: some methodological considerations. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[150]  S K Carter,et al.  Calibrated phase II clinical trials in oncology. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[151]  J Whitehead,et al.  Sample sizes for phase II and phase III clinical trials: an integrated approach. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[152]  R. Simon,et al.  Confidence intervals for reporting results of clinical trials. , 1986, Annals of internal medicine.

[153]  N. Laird,et al.  Meta-analysis in clinical trials. , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[154]  E. Lakatos,et al.  Sample size determination in clinical trials with time-dependent rates of losses and noncompliance. , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[155]  John O'Quigley,et al.  On D. Schoenfeld's approach for testing the proportional hazards assumption , 1986 .

[156]  D. Oakes,et al.  Semiparametric inference in a model for association in bivanate survival data , 1986 .

[157]  P. Hougaard Survival models for heterogeneous populations derived from stable distributions , 1986 .

[158]  Gregg E. Dinse,et al.  A note on semi-Markov models for partially censored data , 1986 .

[159]  P Y Chi,et al.  A clinical trial with an interim analysis. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[160]  A. F. Smith,et al.  Bayesian Methods in Practice: Experiences in the Pharmaceutical Industry , 1986 .

[161]  E. Korn Censoring distributions as a measure of follow-up in survival analysis. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[162]  R. Makuch,et al.  Some issues in the design and interpretation of 'negative' clinical studies. , 1986, Archives of internal medicine.

[163]  B W Brown,et al.  Sequential treatment allocation procedures in clinical trials--with particular attention to the analysis of results for the biased coin design. , 1986, Statistics in medicine.

[164]  G. Guyatt,et al.  Determining optimal therapy--randomized trials in individual patients. , 1986, The New England journal of medicine.

[165]  M. Gardner,et al.  Confidence intervals rather than P values: estimation rather than hypothesis testing. , 1986, British medical journal.

[166]  E. Korn Sample size tables for bounding small proportions. , 1986, Biometrics.

[167]  R. T. Smythe,et al.  $K$-Treatment Comparisons with Restricted Randomization Rules in Clinical Trials , 1986 .

[168]  P. O'Brien,et al.  Confidence intervals following group sequential tests. , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[169]  K K Lan,et al.  Monitoring boundaries for adverse effects in long-term clinical trials. , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[170]  D. Spiegelhalter,et al.  Monitoring clinical trials: conditional or predictive power? , 1986, Controlled clinical trials.

[171]  Robert Tibshirani,et al.  Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Other Measures of Statistical Accuracy , 1986 .

[172]  R. Wolfe,et al.  A semiparametric model for regression analysis of interval-censored failure time data. , 1985, Biometrics.

[173]  M H Gail,et al.  Use of logrank tests and group sequential methods at fixed calendar times. , 1985, Biometrics.

[174]  E. DeLong,et al.  Sensitivity and specificity of a monitoring test. , 1985, Biometrics.

[175]  Cyrus R. Mehta,et al.  Computing an Exact Confidence Interval for the Common Odds Ratio in Several 2×2 Contingency Tables , 1985 .

[176]  Christopher Jennison,et al.  Repeated confidence intervals for the median survival time , 1985 .

[177]  Sung C. Choi,et al.  Early decision in clinical trials when the treatment differences are small. Experience of a controlled trial in head trauma. , 1985, Controlled clinical trials.

[178]  S S Ellenberg,et al.  Randomized phase II clinical trials. , 1985, Cancer treatment reports.

[179]  Mounir Mesbah,et al.  A Global Goodness‐Of‐Fit Statistic for the Proportional Hazards Model , 1985 .

[180]  F. Harrell,et al.  Regression models for prognostic prediction: advantages, problems, and suggested solutions. , 1985, Cancer treatment reports.

[181]  R Brookmeyer,et al.  An application of Bayesian analysis to medical follow-up data. , 1985, Statistics in medicine.

[182]  S S Ellenberg,et al.  An efficient design for phase III studies of combination chemotherapies. , 1985, Cancer treatment reports.

[183]  D. Berry,et al.  Interim analyses in clinical trials: classical vs. Bayesian approaches. , 1985, Statistics in medicine.

[184]  Brown Bw,et al.  Confidence limits for probability of response in multistage phase II clinical trials. , 1985 .

[185]  B. Silverman,et al.  Some Aspects of the Spline Smoothing Approach to Non‐Parametric Regression Curve Fitting , 1985 .

[186]  J. Anderson,et al.  Asymptotically efficient two-step estimators of the hazards ratio for follow-up studies and survival data. , 1985, Biometrics.

[187]  D. Stablein,et al.  A two-sample test sensitive to crossing hazards in uncensored and singly censored data. , 1985, Biometrics.

[188]  Anastasios A. Tsiatis,et al.  Group sequential tests with censored survival data adjusting for covariates , 1985 .

[189]  D P Byar,et al.  Assessing apparent treatment--covariate interactions in randomized clinical trials. , 1985, Statistics in medicine.

[190]  Samy Suissa,et al.  Exact Unconditional Sample Sizes for the 2 Times 2 Binomial Trial , 1985 .

[191]  M Palta,et al.  Investigating maximum power losses in survival studies with nonstratified randomization. , 1985, Biometrics.

[192]  Linda June Davis,et al.  Generalization of the Mantel―Haenszel estimator to nonconstant odds ratios , 1985 .

[193]  N. Birkett,et al.  Adaptive allocation in randomized controlled trials. , 1985, Controlled clinical trials.

[194]  J Whitehead,et al.  Designing phase II studies in the context of a programme of clinical research. , 1985, Biometrics.

[195]  M. Gail,et al.  Testing for qualitative interactions between treatment effects and patient subsets. , 1985, Biometrics.

[196]  P Armitage,et al.  Repeated significance tests for clinical trials with a fixed number of patients and variable follow-up. , 1985, Biometrics.

[197]  W. Willett,et al.  The 2 × 2 factorial design: Its application to a randomized trial of aspirin and U.S. physicians , 1985 .

[198]  Nancy Reid,et al.  Influence functions for proportional hazards regression , 1985 .

[199]  C B Begg,et al.  Treatment allocation methods in clinical trials: a review. , 1985, Statistics in medicine.

[200]  J. A. Bather,et al.  On the Allocation of Treatments in Sequential Medical Trials , 1985 .

[201]  I. Chalmers Proposal to outlaw the term “negative trial” , 1985 .

[202]  R. Peto,et al.  Beta blockade during and after myocardial infarction: an overview of the randomized trials. , 1985, Progress in cardiovascular diseases.

[203]  D. Clayton,et al.  Multivariate generalizations of the proportional hazards model , 1985 .

[204]  J W Tukey,et al.  Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing doses of a drug. , 1985, Biometrics.

[205]  J. Crowley,et al.  A Diagnostic for Cox Regression and General Conditional Likelihoods , 1985 .

[206]  David L. DeMets,et al.  Statistical aspects of early termination in the beta-blocker heart attack trial , 1984 .

[207]  S W Lagakos,et al.  Properties of proportional-hazards score tests under misspecified regression models. , 1984, Biometrics.

[208]  S. Duffy Asymptotic and Exact Power for the McNemar Test and its Analogue with R Controls per Case , 1984 .

[209]  B Rosner,et al.  Multivariate methods in ophthalmology with application to other paired-data situations. , 1984, Biometrics.

[210]  P. O'Brien Procedures for comparing samples with multiple endpoints. , 1984, Biometrics.

[211]  L Edler,et al.  A two-sample censored-data rank test for acceleration. , 1984, Biometrics.

[212]  M. Gail,et al.  Biased estimates of treatment effect in randomized experiments with nonlinear regressions and omitted covariates , 1984 .

[213]  T R Fleming,et al.  Designs for group sequential tests. , 1984, Controlled clinical trials.

[214]  P. Macaskill,et al.  Stopping rules for clinical trials incorporating clinical opinion. , 1984, Biometrics.

[215]  A A Tsiatis,et al.  Exact significance testing to establish treatment equivalence with ordered categorical data. , 1984, Biometrics.

[216]  R. Dennis Cook,et al.  Cross-Validation of Regression Models , 1984 .

[217]  B S Pasternack,et al.  A note on data monitoring, incomplete data and curtailed testing. , 1984, Controlled Clinical Trials.

[218]  D P Byar,et al.  A comparison of reflected versus test-based confidence intervals for the median survival time, based on censored data. , 1984, Biometrics.

[219]  D. Tritchler An Algorithm for Exact Logistic Regression , 1984 .

[220]  A A Tsiatis,et al.  Exact confidence intervals following a group sequential test. , 1984, Biometrics.

[221]  D. E. Matthews Some observations on semi‐markov models for partially censored data , 1984 .

[222]  L. J. Wei,et al.  Testing Goodness of Fit for Proportional Hazards Model with Censored Observations , 1984 .

[223]  A Donner,et al.  Approaches to sample size estimation in the design of clinical trials--a review. , 1984, Statistics in medicine.

[224]  Richard L. Smith Sequential Treatment Allocation Using Biased Coin Designs , 1984 .

[225]  R Kay,et al.  Multistate Survival Analysis: An Application in Breast Cancer , 1984, Methods of Information in Medicine.

[226]  T. Louis Estimating a population of parameter values using Bayes and empirical Bayes methods , 1984 .

[227]  N. Lange,et al.  Approximate case influence for the proportional hazards regression model with censored data. , 1984, Biometrics.

[228]  W. Blackwelder,et al.  Sample size graphs for "proving the null hypothesis". , 1984, Controlled clinical trials.

[229]  Eric V. Slud,et al.  Sequential Linear Rank Tests for Two-Sample Censored Survival Data , 1984 .

[230]  C. Le,et al.  Confidence estimation and the size of a clinical trial. , 1984, Controlled clinical trials.

[231]  H. Thaler Nonparametric Estimation of the Hazard Ratio , 1984 .

[232]  C. Begg,et al.  Treatment allocation for nonlinear models in clinical trials: the logistic model. , 1984, Biometrics.

[233]  N. Nagelkerke,et al.  A simple test for goodness-of-fit of Cox''s proportional hazards model Biometrics 40 , 1984 .

[234]  A. Willan,et al.  Clinical trials as diagnostic tests. , 1984, Controlled clinical trials.

[235]  A I Goldman,et al.  Survivorship analysis when cure is a possibility: a Monte Carlo study. , 1984, Statistics in medicine.

[236]  Philip Hougaard,et al.  Life table methods for heterogeneous populations: Distributions describing the heterogeneity , 1984 .

[237]  Mark Brown,et al.  On the choice of variance for the log rank test , 1984 .

[238]  Y. J. Lee Quick and simple approximation of sample sizes for comparing two independent binomial distributions: different-sample-size case. , 1984, Biometrics.

[239]  D. Harrington,et al.  Considerations for monitoring and evaluating treatment effects in clinical trials. , 1984, Controlled clinical trials.

[240]  Joseph G. Voelkel,et al.  Nonparametric Inference for a Class of Semi-Markov Processes with Censored Observations , 1984 .

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