The APE atlas

This Atlas presents statistical analyses of the simulations submitted to the Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE) data archive. The simulations are from global Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCM) applied to a water-covered earth. The AGCMs include ones actively used or being developed for numerical weather prediction or climate research. Some are mature, application models and others are more novel and thus less well tested in Earth-like applications. The experiment applies AGCMs with their complete parameterization package to an idealization of the planet Earth which has a greatly simplified lower boundary that consists of an ocean only. It has no land and its associated orography, and no sea ice. The ocean is represented by Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) which are specified everywhere with simple, idealized distributions. Thus in the hierarchy of tests available for AGCMs, APE falls between tests with simplified forcings such as those proposed by Held and Suarez (1994) and Boer and Denis (1997) and Earth-like simulations of the Atmospheric Modeling Intercomparison Project (AMIP, Gates et al., 1999). Blackburn and Hoskins (2013) summarize the APE and its aims. They discuss where the APE fits within a modeling hierarchy which has evolved to evaluate complete models and which provides a link between realistic simulation and conceptual models of atmospheric phenomena. The APE bridges a gap in the existing hierarchy. The goals of APE are to provide a benchmark of current model behaviors and to stimulate research to understand the cause of inter-model differences., APE is sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) joint Commission on Atmospheric Science (CAS), World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE). Chapter 2 of this Atlas provides an overview of the specification of the eight APE experiments and of the data collected. Chapter 3 lists the participating models and includes brief descriptions of each. Chapters 4 through 7 present a wide variety of statistics from the 14 participating models for the eight different experiments. Additional intercomparison figures created by Dr. Yukiko Yamada in AGU group are available at This Atlas is intended to present and compare the statistics of the APE simulations but does not contain a discussion of interpretive analyses. Such analyses are left for journal papers such as those included in the Special Issue of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (2013, Vol. 91A) devoted to the APE. Two papers in that collection provide an overview of the simulations. One (Blackburn et al., 2013) concentrates on the CONTROL simulation and the other (Williamson et al., 2013) on the response to changes in the meridional SST profile. Additional papers provide more detailed analysis of the basic simulations, while others describe various sensitivities and applications. The APE experiment data base holds a wealth of data that is now publicly available from the APE web site: We hope that this Atlas will stimulate future analyses and investigations to understand the large variation seen in the model behaviors.

[1]  Martin Köhler,et al.  Advances in simulating atmospheric variability with the ECMWF model: From synoptic to decadal time‐scales , 2008 .

[2]  M. Suárez,et al.  A proposal for the intercomparison of the dynamical cores of atmospheric general circulation models , 1994 .

[3]  A. Uchiyama,et al.  Accuracy of the delta-four-stream approximation in inhomogeneous scattering atmospheres , 1992 .

[4]  David A. Randall,et al.  Implementation of the Arakawa-Schubert Cumulus Parameterization with a Prognostic Closure , 1993 .

[5]  D. Randall,et al.  Cloud-radiative effects on implied oceanic energy transports as simulated by Atmospheric General Circulation Models , 1995 .

[6]  S. Schubert,et al.  Atlas of Seasonal Means Simulated by the NSIPP 1 Atmospheric GCM. Volume 17 , 2000 .


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[10]  John L. McGregor Semi-Lagrangian Advection on Conformal-Cubic Grids , 1996 .

[11]  Toru Nozawa,et al.  Importance of Cumulus Parameterization for Precipitation Simulation over East Asia in June , 2001 .

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[13]  Masaki Satoh,et al.  Conservative scheme for the compressible nonhydrostatic models with the horizontally explicit and vertically implicit time integration scheme , 2002 .

[14]  Zhaoxin Li,et al.  Sensitivity of an atmospheric general circulation model to prescribed SST changes: feedback effects associated with the simulation of cloud optical properties , 1991 .

[15]  Matthew C. Wheeler,et al.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves: Analysis of Clouds and Temperature in the Wavenumber–Frequency Domain , 1999 .

[16]  A. Staniforth,et al.  A new dynamical core for the Met Office's global and regional modelling of the atmosphere , 2005 .

[17]  Michael Buchhold,et al.  The Operational Global Icosahedral-Hexagonal Gridpoint Model GME: Description and High-Resolution Tests , 2002 .

[18]  Stephen B. Fels,et al.  The simplified exchange method revisited: An accurate, rapid method for computation of infrared cooling rates and fluxes , 1991 .

[19]  Kerry Emanuel,et al.  Development and Evaluation of a Convection Scheme for Use in Climate Models , 1999 .

[20]  S. Emori,et al.  Validation, parameterization dependence, and future projection of daily precipitation simulated with a high‐resolution atmospheric GCM , 2005 .

[21]  Yukiko Yamada,et al.  The Variety of Spontaneously Generated Tropical Precipitation Patterns Found in APE Results , 2013 .

[22]  J. Hack Parameterization of moist convection in the National Center for Atmospheric Research community climate model (CCM2) , 1994 .

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[25]  Hisashi Nakamura,et al.  10-km Mesh Meso-scale Resolving Simulations of the Global Atmosphere on the Earth Simulator - Preliminary Outcomes of AFES (AGCM for the Earth Simulator) - , 2004 .

[26]  P. Rasch,et al.  Representation of Clouds and Precipitation Processes in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3) , 2006 .

[27]  Masaki Satoh,et al.  Nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model (NICAM) for global cloud resolving simulations , 2008, J. Comput. Phys..

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[29]  M. Chou,et al.  Technical report series on global modeling and data assimilation. Volume 3: An efficient thermal infrared radiation parameterization for use in general circulation models , 1994 .

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[33]  D. Gregory,et al.  Parametrization of momentum transport by convection. II: Tests in single‐column and general circulation models , 1997 .

[34]  Philip J. Rasch,et al.  A Comparison of the CCM3 Model Climate Using Diagnosed and Predicted Condensate Parameterizations , 1998 .

[35]  B. Ritter,et al.  A comprehensive radiation scheme for numerical weather prediction models with potential applications in climate simulations , 1992 .

[36]  M. J. P. Cullen,et al.  A conservative split‐explicit integration scheme with fourth‐order horizontal advection , 1991 .

[37]  K. Emanuel A Scheme for Representing Cumulus Convection in Large-Scale Models , 1991 .

[38]  G. Martin,et al.  The Physical Properties of the Atmosphere in the New Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1). Part I: Model Description and Global Climatology , 2006 .

[39]  G. Mellor,et al.  A Hierarchy of Turbulence Closure Models for Planetary Boundary Layers. , 1974 .

[40]  Hisashi Nakamura,et al.  The aqua-planet experiment (APE): Response to changed meridional SST profile , 2013 .

[41]  Comment on “On the presence of annular variability in an aquaplanet model” by Masahiro Watanabe , 2007 .

[42]  Max J. Suarez,et al.  A Solar Radiation Parameterization for Atmospheric Studies , 2013 .

[43]  M. Macvean The effects of horizontal diffusion on baroclinic development in a spectral model , 1983 .

[44]  Richard Neale,et al.  Organization of tropical convection in a GCM with varying vertical resolution; implications for the simulation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation , 2001 .

[45]  A. Navarra,et al.  Baroclinic Stationary Waves in Aquaplanet Models , 2011, 1110.2522.

[46]  M. Blackburn,et al.  Context and Aims of the Aqua-Planet Experiment (Special Issue on The Aqua-Planet Experiment Project (APE) and Related Researches) , 2013 .

[47]  A. Grant,et al.  Cloud‐base fluxes in the cumulus‐capped boundary layer , 2001 .

[48]  D. Gregory A Consistent Treatment of the Evaporation of Rain and Snow for Use in Large-Scale Models , 1995 .

[49]  Hirofumi Tomita,et al.  Shallow water model on a modified icosahedral geodesic grid by using spring dynamics , 2001 .

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[51]  A. Molod Running GCM physics and dynamics on different grids: algorithm and tests , 2006 .

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[55]  H. Miura An Upwind-Biased Conservative Advection Scheme for Spherical Hexagonal–Pentagonal Grids , 2007 .

[56]  Damian R. Wilson,et al.  A microphysically based precipitation scheme for the UK meteorological office unified model , 1999 .

[57]  Chris Hill,et al.  Implementation of an Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Model on the Expanded Spherical Cube , 2004 .

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[59]  Leon D. Rotstayn,et al.  A physically based scheme for the treatment of stratiform clouds and precipitation in large‐scale models. I: Description and evaluation of the microphysical processes , 1997 .

[60]  S. Schubert,et al.  Climatology of the Simulated Great Plains Low-Level Jet and Its Contribution to the Continental Moisture Budget of the United States , 1995 .

[61]  Shian‐Jiann Lin,et al.  Multidimensional Flux-Form Semi-Lagrangian Transport Schemes , 1996 .

[62]  J. Morcrette,et al.  Impact of a New Radiation Package, McRad, in the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System , 2008 .

[63]  On the presence of annular variability in an aquaplanet model , 2005 .

[64]  M. Webb,et al.  Towards Understanding Cloud Response in Atmospheric GCMs : The Use of Tendency Diagnostics , 2008 .

[65]  Kevin E. Trenberth,et al.  The Annual Cycle of the Energy Budget. Part II: Meridional Structures and Poleward Transports , 2008 .

[66]  M. Suárez,et al.  A Moist Benchmark Calculation for Atmospheric General Circulation Models , 2008 .

[67]  G. Boer,et al.  Numerical convergence of the dynamics of a GCM , 1997 .

[68]  J. McGregor,et al.  The CSIRO Conformal-Cubic Atmospheric GCM , 2001 .

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[70]  A. Brown,et al.  A similarity hypothesis for shallow‐cumulus transports , 1999 .

[71]  R. Smith A scheme for predicting layer clouds and their water content in a general circulation model , 1990 .

[72]  James J. Hack,et al.  The Dynamical Simulation of the Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3) , 2006 .

[73]  V. Pope,et al.  The impact of new physical parametrizations in the Hadley Centre climate model: HadAM3 , 2000 .

[74]  G. Mellor,et al.  Development of a turbulence closure model for geophysical fluid problems , 1982 .

[75]  Ka-Ming Lau,et al.  Impact of orographically induced gravity-wave drag in the GLA GCM , 1996 .

[76]  John F. B. Mitchell,et al.  Carbon Dioxide and Climate. The Impact of Cloud Parameterization , 1993 .

[77]  A. Simmons,et al.  Implementation of the Semi-Lagrangian Method in a High-Resolution Version of the ECMWF Forecast Model , 1995 .

[78]  J. Hack,et al.  Solutions to the Shallow Water Test Set Using the Spectral Transform Method , 1993 .

[79]  James J. Hack,et al.  A modified formulation of fractional stratiform condensation rate in the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model (CAM2) , 2003 .

[80]  John L. McGregor Geostrophic Adjustment for Reversibly Staggered Grids , 2005 .

[81]  Alistair Adcroft,et al.  Atmosphere–Ocean Modeling Exploiting Fluid Isomorphisms , 2004 .

[82]  James J. Hack,et al.  Simulation of the Global Hydrological Cycle in the CCSM Community Atmosphere Model Version 3 (CAM3): Mean Features , 2006 .

[83]  J. McGregor,et al.  An Updated Description of the Conformal-Cubic Atmospheric Model , 2008 .

[84]  W. Guoxiong,et al.  Simulation of Asian monsoon seasonal variations with climate model R42L9/LASG , 2004 .

[85]  G. Martin,et al.  A New Boundary Layer Mixing Scheme. Part I: Scheme Description and Single-Column Model Tests , 2000 .

[86]  Masaki Satoh Conservative Scheme for a Compressible Nonhydrostatic Model with Moist Processes , 2003 .


[88]  A. Beljaars The parametrization of surface fluxes in large-scale models under free convection , 1995 .

[89]  J. Slingo The Development and Verification of A Cloud Prediction Scheme For the Ecmwf Model , 2007 .

[90]  M. Blackburn,et al.  The Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE): CONTROL SST Simulation , 2013, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II.

[91]  David A. Randall,et al.  A cumulus parameterization with a prognostic closure , 1998 .

[92]  Hirofumi Tomita,et al.  A new dynamical framework of nonhydrostatic global model using the icosahedral grid , 2004 .

[93]  M. Chou,et al.  A Solar Radiation Model for Use in Climate Studies , 1992 .

[94]  Richard Neale,et al.  A standard test for AGCMs including their physical parametrizations. II: results for the Met Office Model , 2000 .

[95]  Reply to comment by B. A. Cash et al. on “On the presence of annular variability in an aquaplanet model” , 2007 .

[96]  Shian‐Jiann Lin A “Vertically Lagrangian” Finite-Volume Dynamical Core for Global Models , 2004 .

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