Femtocaching is a caching system to assist the popular content downloading services in heterogenous networks, in which femto base stations (FBSs) utilize their storage capabilities to cache popular files for mobile users (MUs). When the requested files are cached, the content can be downloaded directly from the FBSs through high-rate wireless links, which avoids the backhaul bottleneck to the core network. Previous studies focus on the optimal caching strategy for a given network topology, which is referred to as static femtocaching. However, due to the mobility of MUs, the topology of a practical network rarely stays unchanged and the FBSs need periodically refreshing their caches to adapt to the current network. Limited by the weak backhaul of FBSs, the cache refreshing rate may not catch up with the changing topology, which makes dynamic femtocaching essentially different from the static scenario. In this paper, we first formulate dynamic femtocaching as an optimization problem which is proved to be NP-hard. Then, we propose two dynamic algorithms, centralized and decentralized, to give suboptimal solutions. Simulation results show that the mobility of MUs degrades the performance of dynamic femtocaching for all algorithms, while the proposed algorithms perform 18% ~ 24% better than the traditional algorithm proposed for static scenarios, and 22% ~ 25% better than a simple popular caching system.
Jeffrey G. Andrews,et al.
Femtocell networks: a survey
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Jeffrey G. Andrews,et al.
Heterogeneous cellular networks: From theory to practice
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Tracy Camp,et al.
A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput..
Alexandros G. Dimakis,et al.
FemtoCaching: Wireless video content delivery through distributed caching helpers
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM.
Pablo Rodriguez,et al.
I tube, you tube, everybody tubes: analyzing the world's largest user generated content video system
IMC '07.
Alexandros G. Dimakis,et al.
Wireless video content delivery through coded distributed caching
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
Jeffrey G. Andrews,et al.
Seven ways that HetNets are a cellular paradigm shift
IEEE Communications Magazine.
Alexandros G. Dimakis,et al.
Wireless device-to-device communications with distributed caching
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Proceedings.