[Vertical partial laryngectomy with false vocal cord flap reconstruction: carcinologic and functional results].

Glottic reconstruction with false vocal cord flap was carried out to improve vocal function after vertical partial laryngectomy. This retrospective study reports carcinologic and functional results of 77 patients operated by vertical partial laryngectomy with or without glottic reconstruction. Five years actuarial survival rate and tumoral control rate were 79% and 90% respectively, without significant differences between patients with or without glottic reconstruction. Vocal study found that supraglottic structures were involved in neoglottic closure in 47% of the patients. Anterior commissure web was statistically reduced in patients with glottic reconstruction. The carcinologic results of this study allow for glottic reconstruction at the time of vertical partial laryngectomy. Neoglottic closure and postoperative anterior commissure web are factors which could influence final vocal results.