Toyota Kata: Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness and Superior Results
Introduction - Transforming our Understanding of Leadership and Management PART I: THE SITUATION Chapter 1: What Defines a Company that Thrives Long Term? PART II: KNOW YOURSELF Chapter 2: How Are We Approaching Process Improvement? Chapter 3: Philosophy and Direction Chapter 4: Origin and Effects of Our Current Management Approach PART III: THE IMPROVEMENT KATA: HOW TOYOTA CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVES Chapter 5: Planning: Establishing a Target Condition Chapter 6: Problem Solving and Adapting: Moving Toward a Target Condition PART IV: THE COACHING KATA: HOW TOYOTA TEACHES THE IMPROVEMENT KATA Chapter 7: Who Carries Out Process Improvement at Toyota? Chapter 8: The Coaching Kata - Leaders as Teachers PART V: REPLICATION: WHAT ABOUT OTHER COMPANIES? Chapter 9: Developing Improvement Kata Behavior in Your Organization Conclusion Bibliography Appendix 1: Where Do You Start With the Improvement Kata? Appendix 2: How to Analyze a Production Process