High modulus high fatigue resistance asphalt (EME2) technology transfer

This report details the first year of a three-year Austroads project to transfer French Enrobes a Module Eleve Class 2 (EME2) technology to Australia. EME2 technology offers the prospect of reduced asphalt thicknesses for heavy duty pavements, and lower construction and maintenance costs. In this first year of the project, an Australian specification framework for EME2 mixes was developed and the requirements for manufacturing, paving and compliance were provided. Tentative specification limits for EME2 mixes were set using Australian test methods for workability, wheel tracking, flexural stiffness, fatigue, and moisture sensitivity. As part of the validation process a successful demonstration trial was carried out on Cullen Avenue West, Eagle Farm, Queensland. Data from the laboratory and field studies was analysed and the outcomes are summarised in the report. Based on the laboratory and field data collected so far, the EME2 pavement shows performance as expected.