The European Association for Computer Graphics

In this report, we show what we have achieved and learned during the period 1980 to 1984. We try to explain the operational structure of the Association, to present its officers, who do all the volunteer work needed to run it and finally, we proudly submit to our member-have a long way to go, a lot of work still has to be done and we also have to guarantee a heal thy growth of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. Nevertheless, we have already achieved much,of which we can be proud. From my point of view, we can make the following statements after these first five years: 1. EUROGRAPHICS is a professional, non-proft association with a sound international credit; it has a good profile; 2. EUROGRAPHICS has finished its bootstrapping phase and has now to stabilise its operation; it is already very operational; 3. EUROGRAPHICS has a good and solid backup in the size of its membership and budget situation; EUROGRAPHICS has strongly motivated and coordinated cooperative, technical work in Computer Graphics in Europe; it is fulfilling its professional purpose very well. 4. On the other side for the future, there is still a lot to be done within EUROGRAPHICS and many things may be improved: (a) EUROGRAPHICS has further to develop and intensify its Working Group and Technical Committee activities; (b) EUROGRAPHICS has less to base its operation solely on purely voluntary work, since it is becoming too large; nevertheless, it has still to make sure that it remains a purely highly professional association, as stated in its constitution; (c) EUROGRAPHICS has to further develop and strongly intensify its cooperation, liaison and chapter policy, especially within Europe. The UK and the Federal Republic of Germany are already good examples of that; others will have to follow. We can really be proud of what we have already achieved, and that is an even stronger motivation to try to do more and better in the coming five years. I have absolutely no doubt that EUROGRAPHICS, its officers and the EUROGRAPHICS members will achieve these and many other professional goals of relevance for the Computer Graphics community, especially in Europe.