Concurrent Evaluation - An Application for DLR's Concurrent Engineering Facility
So far, DLR Bremen’s Concurrent Engineering Facility (CEF) is primarily used to conduct studies on Phase 0/A level and it is planned to extend this to Phase B. A corresponding approach to exploit the CE environment shall be introduced in this paper.
The Institute of Space Systems is appointed as the authoritative entity for the forward planning, coordination and implementation of the German space program. One of its main functions is to serve as mediator between the national DLR Agency and the industry. Evaluating proposals by the industry on federal tenders can be seen as part of this role. On a system-level, concerning spacecraft (not instrument) development, the System Analysis Space Segment department - operator of the CEF - is designated for this task. Domain experts, usually in charge of designing spacecraft themselves, can be appointed to assess applications. This way, similar to Concurrent Engineering studies, the evaluation process can cover all subsystem as well as Mission Analysis, Cost, Risk and overall Systems aspects.
Another area in which the CEF could be utilized in this context is when already flying spacecraft have to be re-evaluated because of new or changed mission objectives. Objectives can change due to failures in subsystem components or because of mission extensions. In both scenarios the system has to be optimized to conditions different from when the mission was initially projected. A task best suited for experts usually found in the CEF.
The experience has shown that the concurrent approach improves the productivity as well as the quality of the performed work. The same is to be anticipated for the evaluation process. In case of failing spacecrafts, the time span of CE studies as short as one week corresponds to reaction time required in such situations.
As 50% of Germany’s federal funding goes to the European Space Agencies and as many German missions are also European co-operations, DLR has an interest in supporting these as well. It could therefore also offer the evaluation process to ESA or the EU.