Embryo experimentation : ethical, legal and social issues

Foreword J. D. McCaughey 1. Introduction Karen Dawson Part I. The Scientific Issues: Introduction to this section Karen Dawson Why do embryo research? Alan Trounson Part II. The Moral Status of the Embryo The nature of ethical argument: an introduction Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse (i) Arguments about the status of different developmental stages Fertilization and moral status Karen Dawson Segmentation and moral status Karen Dawson When does a new individual begin, and what does it matter, morally? Helga Kuhse What makes a being morally significant? Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse (ii) Arguments about potential IVF Technology and the argument from potential Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse Arguing from potential Stephen Buckle Part III. Controlling Embryo Experimentation in a Democratic Society (i) Legislation or self-regulation The case for self-regulation John Funder Community control of IVF and embryo experimentation Max Charlesworth Self-regulation and embryo experimentation in Australia - a critique Pascal Kasimba (ii) Forming a public policy Public policy in a pluralist society R. M. Hare Is IVF research a threat to women's autonomy M. A. Warren IVF regulation: the search for a legal basis Pascal Kasimba How scientists view regulation: an interview with Drs Alan Trounson and Ismail Kola Karen Dawson (iii) Drawing lines. Biological processes and moral events Stephen Buckle The distinction between therapeutic and non-therapeutic experimentation Elizabeth Gaze and Karen Dawson The syngamy debate: when does an embryo begin? Stephen Buckle, Karen Dawson and Peter Singer Part IV. The First Legislation: An examination of Victoria's law The Waller committee and the origins of the Victorian legistation Elizabeth Gaze Experiments on embryos: permissions and prohibitions under the Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act, 1984 Pascal Kasimba Legislation and the problems of research Karen Dawson When is cloning lawful? Pascal Kasimba and Margaret Brumby An interview with Louis Waller Elizabeth Gaze Conclusion Afterword J. M. Swan Glossary Karen Dawson Appendices: Infertility (Medical Procedures) Act, 1984 National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines on embryo experimentation A summary of law relating to embryo experimentation around the world Pascal Kasimba.