The primary objective of the MEXICO (Model Experiments in Controlled Conditions) project was to generate experimental data for validation of models for wind turbines. Kulite©pressure sensors were used for pressure measurements while Particle Image Velocimetry was used with the aim of tracking the tip vortex trajectory. The pressure measurements were carried out for both axial and yawed flow conditions with yaw angles of 15o; 30o and 45o. For the Particle Image Velocimetry measurements data was gathered for axial flow and for the ±30o yaw cases at a single tip speed ratio. In this work, an inverse free wake lifting line model, a direct free wake model and a BEM model are validated with the MEXICO data. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of yawed flow conditions. The inverse free-wake model makes use of the experimental loads as input in order to find the distribution of inductions and angle of attack. The predictive capability of BEM may therefore be assessed based on this. Validation of the inverse free-wake model was performed by investigating the stagnation pressureprediction as well as the vortex trajectory prediction. This was done by means of the PIV data gathered from the MEXICO experiment. This PIV data was also used for validation purposes of the direct free-wake model. The differences in the angle of attack distributions in yawed flow with these models was studied in order to assess the difference in results between the use of 2D and 3D airfoil data.
Gijs van Kuik,et al.
Estimating the angle of attack from blade pressure measurements on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory phase VI rotor using a free wake vortex model: yawed conditions
Daniel Micallef,et al.
Comparison and validation of BEM and free wake unsteady panel model with the Mexico rotor experiment
Ervin Bossanyi,et al.
Wind Energy Handbook
J. Gordon Leishman,et al.
Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics
M. Kloosterman,et al.
Development of the near wake behind a horizontal axis wind turbine - including the development of a free wake lifting line code