TERT rs2736100 A>C SNP and JAK2 46/1 haplotype significantly contribute to the occurrence of JAK2 V617F and CALR mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms – a multicentric study on 529 patients
A. Cucuianu | C. Bănescu | D. Dima | D. Georgescu | Nicoleta P. Berbec | C. Șaguna | A. Bojan | A. Trifa | M. Zdrenghea | H. Bumbea | R. Mihăilă | R. Popp | A. Vlădăreanu | L. Urian | L. Petrov | A. Vasilache | V. Popov | Tünde Török-Vistai | Mihaela Tevet | Meilin Murat | M. Popescu | O. Pătrinoiu | M. Balea | R. Costache | Elena Coleș