In recent years Data Security using cryptography has emerged as a topic of significant interest in both academic and industry circles. This paper deals with a new algorithm, which is based on linear block cipher. Our goal is to build upon the new Asymmetric key algorithm based on linear block cipher or Hill cipher encryption codes of existing methods and design a set of simulation and emulation. It is the scheme based on the block cipher. All the encryption is based on the Alphabets and numbers. Here, we are creating synthetic data value, based on the 26 alphabets and 0-9 numerals. Encryption as cipher text use invertible square matrix, blocking the message according to the selected square matrix i.e if the square matrix is 3 x 3 make the message or plain text 3 blocks, and select ‘e’ as any natural number and multiply with selected matrix and message, use modulation 37, then the remainder is our cipher text or encrypted message. This factor is then transmitted. At decryption we use the inverse of the square matrix and inverse of e value which is now called as d and multiply with received message and use modulation 37, then remainder is our plain Text or message. The decryption algorithm will be there for the receiver as the private key known as k ! . The concept of this new algorithm is based on modular 37 (alphabets an numerals) whereas existing algorithms are based only on modular 26 (only alphabets). We are naming this linear based algorithm as New linear block cipher or Nlbc.