Epistaxis is frequently associated with such diseases as chronic nephritis, arteriosclerosis, cirrhosis of the liver; with blood-diseases such as purpura, scurvy, the severe anaemias, lucocythaemia, and haemophilia; and with acute fevers such as enteric fever, pneumonia, scarlet fever, and measles. It is distinctly uncommon in cases of venous engorgement due to cardiac and pulmonary disease, even when associated with a marked degree of cyanosis. It occurs also in certain conditions which cannot be described as diseases, for it is especially common in delicate growing children about the age of puberty without any obvious pathological cause, and it is a frequent accident among persons going rapidly into a rarefied atmosphere, as in balloon ascents and mountain climbs. Nose-bleeding is very common in persons of the so-called plethoric habit, and it is sometimes