Recent Advances in Social Medicine
The group includes Measurements of Growth in Children, Infant Mortality, Health of Children in Communal Day Nurseries, Unmarried Mother and Her Child, Problem Families, School Medical Inspection, Some Application of Statistical Methods, Psychosomatic Illness, Adolescents in Industry and Pulheems. All the items have been made a little ampler than they usually are in books on Public Health and Hygiene. Some are ampler than others : one such is the Problem Families. A study of this item will repay the social worker in the West who will benefit directly. His opposite number in the East will benefit only indirectly by comparing and contrasting such families in the West and in the East and the causes giving rise to them. The remedial means he will find more difficult of application in the East. Many items are acknowledged to be provocative : One such is the Psychosomatic Illness in Industry. If it is the main cause of absenteeism then the present form of medical relief is useless. In the East the application again will be indirect. The main, cause of absenteeism will remain uncontrolled by the medical relief for yet another season.