S4CMS: A combined monitoring of sensors in CMS experimental site
In the conference poster the Sensors for CMS (S4CMS) project is presented. The main goal is to group geographically the existing sensor data in different CMS regions and to make them accessible to the entire CMS community in an easy and direct way. All these data are publically available from different subdetectors or technical support groups. S4CMS project is written in PVSS (ProzessVisualisierungs und Steuerungs System [Process Visualisierungs und Steuerungs System, ETM. http://www.etm.at ]) platform, allowing to connect easily different sensor data and the CMS Detector Control System [R. Arcidiacono et al, CMS DCS design concepts, ICALEPCS 2005, Switzerland, Geneva, 2005]. S4CMS software is able to visualize different types of sensors in standardized way, providing also documentation about sensor commercial supplier and reference data sheet. Moreover S4CMS allows to make easy correlations between different types of sensors from different subdetectors. In the first version of S4CMS project, sensor data are grouped in different 2D geographical region views called: Muon, UXC, Vac tank, Beam pipe, HF platform. The 3D geographical region view and the subsystem correlation option are foreseen in future versions. The access to this tool is available primarily in the P5 control room at technical shifters desk as well as in remote mode through the terminal server of the CMS experiment.