Concept of Halal Food and Biotechnology

Almost every Muslim either fully practicing Islam or not is seriously concerned about what he or she eats. Muslims observe the divine laws in every aspect of life. There is a complete code of dietary laws present in the Holy Quran for the followers of Islam. Some basic principles are described as all foods are permitted except those mentioned clearly in the Holy Quran. The most recent advancements of biotechnology in field of food industry like status of GMO's, use of genes, enzymes, food additives or enhancer in food in Islam deduced by the Ijma or Qiyas. These if obtained from plant origin would be considered as Halal. If obtained from animals then Islamic Shari'ah put some restrictions about the animal that it should be permitted by Supreme law giver, and should be fit, clean and wholesome for health. The world has become global supermarket with the presence of improved communication and transportation system. Islam is the world second largest religion and more than 1.2 billion Muslims consume Halal products. The need of Halal food increases with the increase of Muslim population globally. The Halal foods should be mentioned clearly by labeling the hidden food ingredients, for example enzymes. The Muslim scholars need to infer opinions with the advancement of biotechnology.