Diagnostic monitoring of rolling-element bearings by high-frequency resonance technique©

In the present work, investigations by high-frequency resonance technique for diagnosis of defect frequencies of rolling-element bearings are reported. Raw vibration signature of the bearings at different speeds of operation has been demodulated. Envelope detected spectrum is analyzed to evaluate various defect frequencies and their energy levels. Experimentally evaluated frequencies are compared with theoretically determined defect frequencies. These frequency values and their energy levels are used to monitor intrinsic condition of bearings as well as to establish severity of existing/developed defects in the bearings. Relative comparison of bearings of the same type are made at various operating speeds under identical conditions of operation on the basis of identified defect frequencies and severity of defects. The paper gives a realistic approach to monitor intrinsic condition of a bearing. Investigations given in the paper may have a potential for performance evaluation and may act as a reliable tool...