The project "OPET CHP/DH Cluster" has obtained financial support from the European Commission (Directorate-General for Energy and Transport) under the contract no. NNE5/2002/52 for Community Activities in the Field of the specific programme for RTD and demonstration on "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development-Part B: Energy programme" The responsibility for the content on this publication lies solely with the authors. The content does not necessarily represent the opinion of the European Community and the Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of data appearing herein. Preface This study is a part of a three-year research project " Small scale biomass CHP and district heat ". The project is coordinated by the Finnish District Heat Association (SKY) and is funded by the National Technology Agency (Tekes) and several Finnish companies. The aim of the project is to find improved solutions for small-scale biomass CHP production. This report is a final report of a subproject " State-of-the-Art small scale CHP Technologies " and describes the main technical solutions for small scale biomass CHP in Finland, Sweden and Denmark. The purpose of this subproject was to identify the best available technologies currently used. The scope of the study was chosen to include present biomass CHP technologies with electric power output between 1 – 20 MW e. Also included is a narrow review of emerging technologies that have not yet reached commercial and technical maturity. However, a detailed analysis of gasification technologies was excluded from this study. Environmental Protection wrote the review of the situation in Sweden and Denmark in cooperation with Ms Marianne Salomón from Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden).
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