IPUMS Redesign

Abstract This new project will create two large parallel series of historical U.S. census microdata. The first is a redesigned Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) incorporating Census 2000 and the American Community Survey. The IPUMS is a compatible series of large census microdata samples spanning the period from 1850 to 2000. The second is a restricted-use micro-data archive containing 1.4 billion records from the censuses of 1940 to 2000. The new restricted-use archive is the product of a Census Bureau initiative to harmonize all of the bureau's decennial microdata and make them accessible through the Census Bureau Research Data Centers. The project will collaborate with the Census Bureau to create coding schemes to be used in both series that incorporate all detail in the restricted files. The two series will be developed simultaneously using the same software, methodology, and documentation.