An exergy-Based simulation stock model: A new approach for policy making

This article presents the use of an exergy-based bottom-up stock model to investigate the impact of large-scale energy retrofit scenarios in the English and Welsh (E&W) non-domestic sector, with a modelling projection to 2050. The model consists of a combination of EnergyPlus as a first law analysis tool and a dynamic exergy analysis method. The aim of the paper is to illustrate the potential of exergy analysis in improving efficiency at a sectoral level. This preliminary study is composed by 6 different large-scale retrofit scenarios including low carbon and low exergy approaches. The results show that current regulations can reduce carbon emissions by up to 50% but only reduce exergy destructions by 8%. On the other hand, a low exergy scenario based on low temperature district systems was able to reduce carbon emissions by 68% and exergy destructions by 26%.