Design and Assembly of SPT-3G Cold Readout Hardware

The third-generation upgrade to the receiver on the South Pole Telescope, SPT-3G, was installed at the South Pole during the 2016–2017 austral summer to measure the polarization of the cosmic microwave background. Increasing the number of detectors by a factor of 10 to $$\sim 16,000$$∼16,000 required the multiplexing factor to increase to 68 and the bandwidth of the frequency-division readout electronics to span 1.6–5.2 MHz. This increase necessitates low-thermal conductance, low-inductance cryogenic wiring. Our cold readout system consists of planar thin-film aluminum inductive–capacitive resonators, wired in series with the detectors, summed together, and connected to 4K SQUIDs by $$10-\upmu \hbox {m}$$10-μm-thick niobium–titanium (NbTi) broadside-coupled striplines. Here, we present an overview of the cold readout electronics for SPT-3G, including assembly details and characterization of electrical and thermal properties of the system. We report, for the NbTi striplines, values of $$R \le 10^{-4} \Omega $$R≤10-4Ω, $$L = 21 \pm 1~\hbox {nH}$$L=21±1nH, and $$C = 1.47\pm .02~\hbox {nF}$$C=1.47±.02nF. Additionally, the striplines’ thermal conductivity is described by $$kA = 6.0\pm 0.3 \ T^{0.92 \pm 0.04}~\upmu \hbox {W}~\hbox {mm}~\hbox {K}^{-1}$$kA=6.0±0.3T0.92±0.04μWmmK-1. Finally, we provide projections for cross talk induced by parasitic impedances from the stripline and find that the median value of percentage cross talk from leakage current is 0.22 and $$0.09\%$$0.09% from wiring impedance.

P. A. R. Ade | C. L. Kuo | J. E. Ruhl | J. E. Carlstrom | Adrian T. Lee | Z. Ahmed | G. C. Hilton | K. D. Irwin | K. W. Yoon | A. Cukierman | T. Elleflot | A. Suzuki | J. E. Austermann | C. Tucker | B. A. Benson | W. Everett | N. W. Halverson | J. W. Henning | W. L. Holzapfel | S. S. Meyer | T. Natoli | S. Padin | J. T. Sayre | E. Shirokoff | J. D. Vieira | G. Wang | F. W. Carter | J. F. Cliche | N. L. Harrington | J. Montgomery | V. Novosad | K. L. Thompson | K. Vanderlinde | D. Dutcher | J. S. Avva | A. N. Bender | A. Foster | J. C. Groh | A. H. Harke-Hosemann | N. Huang | M. Jonas | A. M. Kofman | M. Korman | A. E. Lowitz | A. Nadolski | G. I. Noble | Z. Pan | C. M. Posada | G. Smecher | J. A. Sobrin | K. T. Story | M. R. Young | D. Kubik | A. Rahlin | N. Whitehorn | K. Hattori | T. Khaire | Q. Y. Tang | D. Barron | I. Shirley | A. Gilbert | S. Kuhlmann | E. V. Denison | L. R. Vale | S. Meyer | A. Lee | P. Ade | J. Ruhl | W. Everett | Z. Ahmed | A. Anderson | J. Austermann | J. Avva | R. Thakur | A. Bender | B. Benson | J. Carlstrom | F. Carter | T. Cecil | J. Cliche | A. Cukierman | E. Denison | T. Haan | J. Ding | M. Dobbs | D. Dutcher | A. Foster | R. Gannon | A. Gilbert | J. Groh | N. Halverson | A. Harke-Hosemann | N. Harrington | J. Henning | G. Hilton | W. Holzapfel | N. Huang | K. Irwin | O. Jeong | M. Jonas | T. Khaire | A. Kofman | M. Korman | D. Kubik | S. Kuhlmann | C. Kuo | A. Lowitz | J. Montgomery | A. Nadolski | T. Natoli | H. Nguyen | G. Noble | V. Novosad | S. Padin | Z. Pan | J. Pearson | C. Posada | A. Rahlin | L. Saunders | J. Sayre | I. Shirley | E. Shirokoff | G. Smecher | J. Sobrin | A. Stark | K. Story | A. Suzuki | K. Thompson | C. Tucker | L. Vale | K. Vanderlinde | J. Vieira | G. Wang | N. Whitehorn | V. Yefremenko | K. Yoon | M. Young | P. Ade | Y. Hori | H. Nishino | K. Rotermund | K. Hattori | D. Barron | M. Hasegawa | H. Nishino | T. Elleflot | Y. Hori | C. L. Chang | M. A. Dobbs | A. T. Lee | A. A. Stark | A. J. Anderson | R. Basu Thakur | T. Cecil | T. Haan | J. Ding | R. N. Gannon | O. B. Jeong | H. Nguyen | J. Pearson | L. J. Saunders | V. Yefremenko | M. Hasegawa | H. Nishino | A. Anderson | Gensheng Wang | K. Rotermund | M. Dobbs | G. Hilton | Chaohua Kuo | C. Chang | Kent Irwin | K. W. Yoon