Reinforcement for concrete

This publication which is intended primarily for the use of those working, or acting in a supervisory capacity on construction sites, covers (mainly) the practical operations relating to reinforcement from the stages of ordering, unloading and storing, through those of cutting and bending, to the final stage of fixing preparatory to placing the concrete. In order that the need for the accurate placing of the reinforcement may be understood, the underlying principles of the reinforcing of concrete structural members is briefly described. The book is also intended to be of value to drawing office and design staff. The cross-sectional areas, weights and other data on reinforcing bars and currently available fabrics are tabulated for easy reference. The minimum basic requirements regarding the strength, yield stress and ductility of such bars and wires are specified in the British Standard Specifications, the requirements of current metric editions of which are also presented here. Standard bending dimensions are tabulated and the information together with that in most of the other tables will be of value to the designer and detailer of reinforced concrete structures. The data provided here is entirely in metric SI units.