Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie

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[19]  K. Deater-Deckard,et al.  Annotation: Recent research examining the role of peer relationships in the development of psychopathology. , 2001, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

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[23]  S. Gathercole,et al.  Limitations in working memory: implications for language development. , 2000, International journal of language & communication disorders.

[24]  Christof Zoelch,et al.  From rag(bag)s to riches: Measuring the developing central executive. , 2005 .

[25]  J. Piek,et al.  DCD and ADHD: a genetic study of their shared aetiology. , 2006, Human movement science.

[26]  Jacob Cohen,et al.  A power primer. , 1992, Psychological bulletin.

[27]  Herbert Roeyers,et al.  How specific are executive functioning deficits in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism? , 2004, Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines.

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[31]  M. Chase,et al.  The role of sports as a social status determinant for children. , 1992, Research quarterly for exercise and sport.

[32]  M. Settanni,et al.  Executive Inhibitory Control and Cooperative Behavior During Early School Years: A Follow-Up Study , 2007, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

[33]  A. Rydell New morbidity-problems and peer relations in a sample of Swedish primary school children: a follow-up from the first to the third grade. , 1993, Scandinavian journal of psychology.

[34]  P. H. Miller,et al.  A developmental perspective on executive function. , 2010, Child development.

[35]  G. Fuggetta Impairment of Executive Functions in Boys with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder , 2006, Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence.

[36]  C. Karatekin,et al.  A Preliminary Study of Motor Problems in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder , 2003, Perceptual and motor skills.

[37]  Russell A. Barkley,et al.  Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and self-regulation: Taking an evolutionary perspective on executive functioning. , 2004 .

[38]  Christof Zoelch,et al.  Das Arbeitsgedächtnis von 4- bis 5-jährigen Kindern. Theoretische und empirische Analyse seiner Funktionen , 2008 .

[39]  Robert S. Siegler,et al.  How Children Develop , 2002 .

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[44]  G. Ladd,et al.  Classroom peer acceptance, friendship, and victimization: distinct relational systems that contribute uniquely to children's school adjustment? , 1997, Child development.

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[46]  Jane Brown,et al.  National survey of children aged 8-18 years with persisting communication problems associated with cleft palate , 2001 .

[47]  J. Nigg,et al.  A Two-Year Longitudinal Study of Neuropsychological and Cognitive Performance in Relation to Behavioral Problems and Competencies in Elementary School Children , 1999, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

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[49]  R. Barkley Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. , 1997, Psychological bulletin.

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[51]  J. Piek,et al.  ADHD and DCD: a relationship in need of research. , 2006, Human movement science.

[52]  G. Maassen,et al.  A ratings-based approach to two-dimensional sociometric status determination. , 2000, New directions for child and adolescent development.

[53]  R. Holt,et al.  Preschoolers' likability as cause or consequence of their social behavior. , 1993 .

[54]  R. G. Fontaine,et al.  Peer Rejection and Social Information-Processing Factors in the Development of Aggressive Behavior Problems in Children , 2003, Child development.

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[57]  Claudia M. Roebers,et al.  Motorische Koordinationsdefizite im Kindesalter , 2011 .

[58]  W. Bukowski,et al.  Children's peer relations: a meta-analytic review of popular, rejected, neglected, controversial, and average sociometric status. , 1993, Psychological bulletin.

[59]  Bruce D. McCandliss,et al.  Development of attentional networks in childhood , 2004, Neuropsychologia.

[60]  N. Hazen,et al.  Preschool peer communication skills: the role of social status and interaction context. , 1989, Child development.

[61]  J. Hughes,et al.  Validation of a role-play measure of children's social skills , 1989, Journal of abnormal child psychology.

[62]  F. Braza,et al.  Behavioral profiles of different types of social status in preschool children: An observational approach , 2007 .

[63]  J. Fantuzzo,et al.  An examination of the contributions of interactive peer play to salient classroom competencies for urban head start children , 2004 .