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A. Hailey.
Long-stay psychiatric inpatients: a study based on the Camberwell Register
Psychological Medicine.
J. Wing.
Unemployment among chronic psychotic patients in Camberwell: their need for rehabilitation.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine.
P. Donovick,et al.
The effects of septal and dorsal hippocampal lesions on the cardiac component of the orienting response.
Physiology & behavior.
P. Obrist,et al.
Cardiac deceleration and reaction time: an evaluation of two hypotheses.
P. Venables,et al.
The effects of epidermal hydration and sodium reabsorption on palmar skin potential.
Psychological bulletin.
R. Edelberg,et al.
The information content of the recovery limb of the electrodermal response.
J. Wing,et al.
Institutionalism and schizophrenia
George J. Mountney.
Halfway Houses
Mental Health.
J. Hoenig,et al.
The desegregation of the mentally ill
D. Kimble.
Hippocampus and internal inhibition.
Psychological bulletin.
P. H. Venables,et al.
Endocrine factors in palmar skin potential
G. Edwards,et al.
Census of a Reception Centre
British Journal of Psychiatry.
W. G. Reese,et al.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
H. Freeman,et al.
New aspects of the mental health services
A Kamp,et al.
Contingent negative variation and evoked responses recorded by radio-telemetry in free-ranging subjects.
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology.
R. Heine.
Schizophrenia and Social Care.
G. Karmos,et al.
The hippocampal electrical correlates of the homeostatic regulation of motivation.
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology.
R K Clifton,et al.
Heart-rate change as a component of the orienting response.
Psychological bulletin.
J. Stern,et al.
D. H. Bennett,et al.
A Survey of Long-Stay Schizophrenic Patients
British Journal of Psychiatry.
G. Tooth,et al.
Trends in the mental hospital population and their effect on future planning.
J. Wing.
Family care systems in Norway and Holland.