Stability Assessment for Multi-Infeed Grid-Connected VSCs Modeled in the Admittance Matrix Form

The increasing use of power electronics converters to integrate renewable energy sources has been a subject of concern due to the resonance oscillatory phenomena caused by their interaction with poorly damped AC networks. Early studies are focused on assessing the controller influence of a single converter connected to simple networks, and they are no longer representative for existing systems. Lately, studies of multi-infeed grid-connected converters are of particular interest, and their main aim is to apply traditional criteria and identify their difficulties in the stability assessment. An extension of traditional criteria is commonly proposed as a result of these analysis, but they can be burdensome for large and complex power systems. The present work addresses this issue by proposing a simple criterion to assess the stability of large power systems with high-penetration of power converters. The criterion has its origin in the mode analysis and positive-net damping stability criteria, and it addresses the stability in the frequency domain by studying the eigenvalues magnitude and real component of dynamic models in the admittance matrix form. Its effectiveness is tested in two case studies developed in Matlab/Simulink which compare it with traditional criteria, proving its simplicity.

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