Dual-color polymer light-emitting pixels processed by hybrid inkjet printing

A hybrid inkjet printing (HIJP) technology, which combines a pin-hole free polymer buffer layer and an inkjet printed polymer layer, allows the patterning of high quality polymer light-emitting devices. In this letter, we present a successful demonstration of controllable patterning of dual-color polymer light-emitting pixels using this HIJP technique. In this demonstration, the polymer buffer layer is a wide band gap, blue emitting semiconducting polymer prepared by the spin-casting technique. The inkjet printed layer is a red-orange semiconducting polymer which was printed onto the buffer layer. When a proper solvent was selected, the printed polymer diffused into the buffer layer and efficient energy transfer took place generating a red-orange photoluminescence and electroluminescence from the inkjet printed sites. Based on this principle, blue and orange-red dual-color polymer light-emitting pixels were fabricated on the same substrate. The use of this concept represents an entirely new technology for...