Bio mechanics of Desending and Ascending Walk

Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the kinetic and kinematic data while walking upstairs then compare the results with stair descent of the same step height and stair ascent of different step inclination from the published journals and analyze the influence of subject height in young individuals. The experiment is to use Qualysis Tracking Motion to capture the motion changes of lower limb joints while stair climbing which can be analyzed to develop visual 3D model. The visual 3D model can be used to analyze the gait simulation to produce data of joint angles, velocity, and moment of hip, knee, and ankle. The ground reaction forces and joint reaction force can be obtained using force plate and inverse kinematics respectively. As a result, it is found that greater hip and knee angles, hip and knee moments are found in stair ascent compared to stair descent. Greater dorsi and plantar flexion are observed in stair descent than stair ascent. The maximum value of hip, knee, and ankle joints are rising in accordance with the increases of subject heights and different inclination. The data obtained can be used for further research to develop assistive techniques for the rehabilitation of the human lower extremity.